Rightio, we’ve done the hard work for you. We have sourced a PRETTY DAMN AMAZING list of items for auction for the Where there’s a Will Inaugural Rainbow Ball next Saturday 17 November.
We’ve no doubt that you’ll find something in this mix that will cover off birthday & Christmas presents for the next year & beyond.
And, most importantly, each of these items should make the recipients feel good because we deliberately sourced items that support Where there’s a Will’s mission to improve mental health and wellbeing.
Each of these auction items are about connecting with others, doing things you enjoy and creating opportunities to challenge yourself.
Giving back and helping others is one of the very foundations of wellbeing so don’t be afraid to dig deep for these auction items, every dollar raised will support our work with schools, sporting organisations and community groups.
Bidding will be open until 10pm on Saturday 17 November, you can review the list and start bidding here!