How can you 'pay it forward' for someone else today? It could be paying for someone's coffee, opening the door for those coming behind you or going the extra mile to lighten...
Kindness 🦋 #characterstrengths 📸 Toybox
Character Strength: Humility 💛 #learnyourstrengths 📸 St Marys
What Can I Try?
Spot, Explain, Appreciate! You can use SEA to identify strengths in action, allowing you to get a better feel for the link between strengths and behaviours. This framework is...
What are you grateful for this weekend? #characterstrengths 📸 St Mary's Scone
Character Strength – Curiosity
Weekend Watch 🎧
If you have one minute this weekend. Watch this! Identifying Character Strengths is an important part of your personality and who you are. Check out this quick video about how...
Family Friday
Instead of focusing solely on correcting weaknesses, intentionally look for positive qualities in your child. Acknowledge their efforts and celebrate what they are already doing...
Why focus on Character Strengths?
The six ingredients of PERMAH that support our wellbeing are increased when we understand and focus on our character strengths. This month, we are planning to take you on a...
Quote of the week
Quote of the week! “In order for things to change, we must first be willing to let go of our old ways.”
5 ways to boost your Wellbeing!
Five simple ways to boost your wellbeing this weekend ✔️ Engage in liesure activities Sufficient sleep Exercise with people Use a physically active way to get to work Eating...