Attention Parents! A recommended read for your Friday! This game-changing book reveals the extraordinary results of focusing on our children’s strengths rather than always trying...
What is Strength Spotting?
What is Strength Spotting? Strength spotting is the skill of recognising ,naming, explaining, and appreciating character strengths in one’s self and others. 🧩 What Strengths have...
Is forgiveness a strength of yours? #characterstrengths 📸 Martindale Public School
Podcast Saturday
Podcast Saturday 🎧. Hosted by psychologist, Cass Dunn, the show focuses on delivering practical wellbeing strategies, inspiring conversations and has one primary goal - to help...
How is your sleep health?
"Sleep is an investment in the energy you need to be effective tomorrow" - Tom Roth ⏰ Sleep health plays a crucial role in health and wellbeing by supporting brain function and...
Ted Talk of the Month
Finish your weekend with some inspiration ✨. Chris shares personal stories of success and supports this with research from the fields of psychology and business. He challenges...
PODCAST: Do you have a wellbeing strategy?
Dr. Peggy Kern is an associate professor at the Centre for Wellbeing Science within the University of Melbourne's Graduate School of Education. Originally trained in social...
What can I try?
Three easy things you can try this Tuesday to boost your wellbeing! Listen to one of the podcasts or ted talks linked. Complete the wellbeing wheel. Complete a mindful check in...
PODCAST: Positive psychology—with Martin Seligman
Finding Balance on the Surfboard of Life
Just as a surfer maintains balance on their board, we can strive to find equilibrium in our daily lives, balancing work, play, relationships, and self-care.