Ride the Wave of Wellbeing

Suggested Audience:

What if, no matter what challenge or struggle you might face at work, you knew that you could move through it with confidence? 

What if you could fully embrace the best that life has to offer, without fearing that the worst could be just around the corner? 

What if you were able to accomplish this by experimenting with 

scientifically studied practices that are not only beneficial but are infused with playful energy.

What if you could “Ride the wellbeing wave”?

In September, we are launching a wellbeing calendar and online hub for both community and education. The aim of this calendar is to take you, your family, your workplace and your sports club on a fun, interactive journey of understanding and discovery that we hope will allow you to “Ride your wellbeing wave” throughout life.

Come along with us on a journey and learn how to balance your board, discover your genetic happiness set point and learn how to ride the highs and lows of life with resilience. Just like a surfer balances the board to surf the wave, you can balance life’s experiences and shape your journey.

Embrace the highs, navigate the lows, and find your techniques to 

find your balance.

Instead of trying to constantly improve our wellbeing, let us help to 

encourage understanding and adapt to life’s ups and downs with newly developed resilience.

We will learn together along the way that the key to finding balance is 

focusing on caring for our wellbeing rather than always striving to 

enhance it.

Caring for our wellbeing involves self-care activities such as maintaining healthy relationships, managing our stress, engaging in activities that bring joy, meaning and a sense of accomplishment, and regular

exercise, healthy food and sufficient sleep.

It’s all about the “wellbeing balance”.

A link to this calendar will be released via our digital channels along with more information on our wellbeing and educator hubs on our website.

Stay tuned as we are incredibly excited to take you on this next phase of our journey at Where there’s a Will and ride the wellbeing wave with us.

For further details contact: admin@uhwheretheresawill.com.au