
Engagement Workshop 1

"Engagement is the secret sauce of a fulfilling life, where passion meets purpose and every moment becomes an opportunity for growth and joy." - Martin Seligman 


ENGAGEMENT – using your neurological strengths – the things you’re good at and enjoy doing – to feel more confident, energised and engaged.

The Science


We are built to play and built through play, as it allows you to see things in a different way and explore new behaviors, thoughts, strategies, and ways of being that stimulates your brain for learning, growth, and creativity. Give yourself permission to surrender to your curiosity as you improvise and explore new ways of doing things, losing track of time and any sense of self-consciousness in the process. Enjoy the fun of feeling actively engaged in what you are doing without the need for any bigger outcome.  

What Can I Try

  • Creating your play history: Spend time remembering what you did as a child that really got you excited and gave you joy. Note down ways you might be able to recreate these feelings in your job. 
  • Being playful: Every day find a way to play. It could be sharing a joke with someone, creating something new, or just letting loose for a while. Make time to play, knowing it is a great path to learning, creativity, and innovation.
  • Getting active: One of the quickest ways to jump-start play is to start moving. Consider setting up a play area at work that involves physical activities – like throwing a ball, Velcro darts, or skittles. To learn more about play from Stella Grizont click here


Podcast: Why we play.  https://whyy.org/episodes/why-we-play/ 

Resource:Molly Wright: How every child can thrive by five | TED  


Read: The Importance of Play for Adults: Tips for Being More Playful (psychcentral.com)