Wellbeing Survey is LIVE!!!

7th March, 2023


Hands up if you or someone you know hasn’t been able to get in to see a mental health practitioner when you/they’ve most needed it…..  Hands up if you’ve had to take a day off work to drive a couple of hours to see the nearest available child psychologist…..Hands up if your school is crying out for more hours with a counsellor… Hands up if you think the Upper Hunter needs more support for carers of people with Mental Illness…. Hands up if you think everything is fine…..Well guess what…. now’s the time to step up and tell us what you think….!

We REALLY want and need as many parents and carers as possible to complete the survey in the link below so that we can identify exactly where the problem areas are when it comes to wellbeing and mental health needs in the Upper Hunter.  The survey results will provide the much needed data for solutions to be designed, developed or refined.   Similarly, it will allow us to strengthen what is going well.

All responses are ENTIRELY CONFIDENTIAL, but finding out more about your experiences and your perspectives will allow us to make informed decisions that will help us help our community thrive and flourish. Importantly, this information will also be shared with our Shire Councils, sporting/youth groups, schools and PCYC so that they too can use the data to determine the priority areas for mental health and wellbeing.

WTAW has partnered with University of Melbourne to run the survey which will take 15-20 minutes to complete and there are no right or wrong answers.

The survey will identify our strengths and things we are doing really well as well as areas we need to build in our community.  It is also a tool to be used by  WTAW to guide future direction by identifying community needs –  what requires support? . Schools will use the results as a tool  to guide their direction – build on their strengths and support planning and education in areas that may otherwise be overlooked.

For those that like to know the nitty gritty of these sort of surveys, questions will be asked across six domains: cognitive, economic, emotional, physical, psychological and social.  The survey is NON-DIAGNOSTIC and doesn’t ask for sensitive information like questions about sexuality, alcohol or drug use, self harm and suicidal thoughts.

Please follow the link to particpate

Upper Hunter Wellbeing Survey for Parents and Carers

If you have concerns or feel distress related to this survey activity, you may also wish to talk to your doctor or a counselling service such as Beyond Blue or Lifeline.

Beyond Blue 

Provide 24/7 web and phone support, as well as further resources.


Phone: 1300 224 636


Lifeline Australia 

Lifeline Australia is a 24/7 phone counselling service.


Phone: 13 11 14

Website: http://www.lifeline.org.au/


By visiting the Australian Psychological Society website, you can locate a Psychologist in your area if you wish, www.psychology.org.au.

18-25 year olds

Calling all 18-25 year olds who care about Mental Health & Wellbeing…..

WTAW needs DATA so we can make informed decisions when determining which mental health and wellbeing initiatives are most needed to assist 18-25 year olds in the Upper Hunter.

That DATA needs to come from a survey that we very much hope you will complete.  It will take 15-20 minutes, the results will be analysed by University of Melbourne and all responses are COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL. Please click on this link to our survey:

Upper Hunter Wellbeing Survey for 18-25-year-olds

We’ll share the data with key organisations within the Upper Hunter that are also investing in programmes to aid the wellbeing and mental health of young people in our community.

Basically we want to ensure that any money that is being spent is going to where it is needed most.  Your answers will help us do that.

Please share this among your friends and encourage them to join you in making a difference for this important cause.

For those that like to know the nitty gritty of these sort of surveys, questions will be asked across six domains: cognitive, economic, emotional, physical, psychological and social.  The survey is NON-DIAGNOSTIC and doesn’t ask for sensitive information like questions about sexuality, alcohol or drug use, self harm and suicidal thoughts.

If you have concerns or feel distress related to this survey activity, you may also wish to talk to your doctor or a counselling service such as Beyond Blue or Lifeline.

Beyond Blue 

Provide 24/7 web and phone support, as well as further resources.


Phone: 1300 224 636


Lifeline Australia 

Lifeline Australia is a 24/7 phone counselling service.


Phone: 13 11 14

Website: http://www.lifeline.org.au/

By visiting the Australian Psychological Society website, you can locate a Psychologist in your area if you wish, www.psychology.org.au.

Please click on this link to our survey: Upper Hunter Wellbeing Survey for 18-25-year-olds